Yearly Archives - 2021

Hericium erinaceus

Hericium erinaceus is an edible fungus used for its excellent properties for inflammatory and infectious diseases involving the digestive system. In fact, its action rebalances the intestinal bacterial flora nourishing it, strains the mucous membranes healing them and thus correcting the situations of intestinal permeability. Very useful therefore to deal with swelling, difficult digestion, dyspepsia, gastric acidity, nervous gastritis, gastritis from Helicobacter Pylori, irritable colon, acute and chronic intestinal inflammations and grastrointestinal with double anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, probiotic and...

Vitamin C

Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin that performs a wide range of important functions: has a high antioxidant capacity, thanks to the ability to neutralize oxygen free radicals and regenerate other antioxidants such as Vitamin E;participates in numerous enzymatic reactions, including those that lead to the synthesis of norepinephrine, carnitine (necessary for the correct metabolism of fats), cholesterol, amino acids and proteins (eg collagen) increases intestinal absorption of iron;it contributes to the production of neurotransmitters, the...

Intestine and immune system

The intestinal immune system is made up of more or less specific cells and systems whose goal is to protect the organism from attack by external aggressors (for example, bacteria, viruses, etc.). The intestine plays an important role in immune balances, as it represents one of the most important bulwarks of the body, hosts about one hundred thousand billion microorganisms and produces 60-70% of immune cells. One of the fundamental elements of the intestinal immune system is the intestinal bacterial...


Angelica sinensis is a plant traditionally known for maintaining or restoring the balance of female functions. The dry root extract counteracts menstrual cycle disorders, such as for example. irregularity in menstrual flow and menstrual cramps, as well as supporting digestive function and normal blood circulation. It also relieves the symptoms of menopause (thanks to the presence of natural phytoestrogens) such as irritability, excessive sweating, hot flashes and insomnia. Angelica is present in the WOMAN HORMONAL BALANCE supplement.


Agnocasto, commonly known as "false pepper", is a plant belonging to the Verbenaceae family, whose fruit contains substances that act on the endocrine system, in particular modulates the production of some pituitary hormones. It is especially useful in disorders related to the menstrual cycle, such as amenorrhea (absence of menstruation), mastalgia or mastodynia (breast pain), oligomenorrhea (condition in which the interval between cycles is less than 25 days), polymenorrhea (condition in which the distance between two successive menstruation exceeds...

Seasonal change

September is one of the most demanding months from a psychophysical point of view. To better cope with this period and maintain an optimal state of health, avoiding early seasonal illnesses, it is important to follow some good rules and adopt targeted measures to support the immune defenses in the fight against viruses and bacteria responsible for colds, which will as master during autumn and winter. During this phase you can easily run into states of irritation, nervousness, impatience...


Already in ancient times the Nettle was used for medicinal purposes and were attributed to it numerous beneficial properties. The drug is represented by the whole plant. In particular, while the leaves are used for the adjuvant treatment of arthritis and rheumatism, interesting properties on benign prostatic hyperplasia are ascribed to the roots. The polysaccharide fraction of the roots also exhibits an anti-inflammatory action, which can play an important role in reducing cervical-prostatic obstruction, contributing to the improvement of...

The most common mistakes during a diet

When embarking on a healthy food path or a diet it is essential to contact a specialist so that he can develop a diet that suits our needs and then combine it with physical activity and obtain satisfactory results. Very often, however, we resort to "do it yourself" and most of the time we come across many mistakes. Here are the 4 most common mistakes: Choose only light foods: they are not always healthy alternatives. Many of these products have fewer...

Folic acid

Folic acid is a vitamin that after being absorbed in the intestine is activated by the liver, which transforms it into folinic acid and distributes it to various tissues. It is also essential for the synthesis of proteins and DNA and for the formation of hemoglobin. Its right presence in the body also helps prevent many cardiovascular risks to our health. This substance is present in the supplement POWER ANTIAGING VITAMIN PLUS 

Fatty liver

Fatty liver or hepatic steatosis is a condition linked to overweight and obesity, strongly influenced by a wrong diet and lifestyle. This condition affects 70-80% of over-sized people and is caused by an alteration of the lipid metabolism that leads to an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver cells that is not disposed of adequately. A fatty liver is a poorly functioning liver that is always under maximum strain and can lead to liver failure or cirrhosis if...