Monthly Archives - June 2020

Brittle nails: causes and remedies

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are everyone's dream: unfortunately, today, many people have brittle and damaged nails, which flake, open, become stained with white and weaken. These are signs that something is not working in our body, especially dysfunctions that compromise the production of keratin, the substance from which the nail is made 98%. Our body is telling us that there is a need for: amino acids (cysteine, methionine, arginine, glutamic acid);minerals (iron, zinc and selenium);group B vitamins, vitamins A, C,...

Caffeine and slimming

There are foods or substances called nervine, that is, having tonic properties, which improve physical and mental efficiency, while releasing the inhibitory brakes. Caffeine is the most used nerve substance on earth: it is an alkaloid, a methylxanthin contained in coffee seeds and in some foods (guarana, cocoa, tea etc.) which acts as a stimulant, widely spread also in sports and wellness and It is part of the formulation of various supplements, commonly called thermogenic, based on green...

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is part of the group of fat-soluble vitamins and is present in nature in 8 forms, the most important being alpha-tocopherol, known for its antioxidant properties. Together with Vitamin C it acts against free radicals, responsible for cellular aging processes. Vitamin E has many properties: it is involved in the transmission of signals between cells, in the regulation of gene expression and in some metabolic processes.It plays a key role in preventing platelet aggregation and therefore clot formation. supports...


Omega-3s are compounds that the human body is unable to synthesize and are little present in the western diet (much more present in cold sea fish). They are essential for the development and growth of the organism and regulate the functioning of organs and tissues and participate in delicate biological mechanisms associated with some progressively developing diseases such as cardiovascular ones. Long chain omega-3s such as EPA and DHA can act both directly and indirectly by reducing heart rate,...

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 or Cholecalciferol is a form of Vitamin D which is part of the essential drugs of the World Health Organization. It is produced by the skin when exposed to light (UVB rays), only 10% is taken through food and there are medicines or supplements with which it is possible to reintegrate it. Its main function is to promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, as well as to reabsorb calcium in the kidneys. A...