The most common mistakes during a diet


The most common mistakes during a diet

When embarking on a healthy food path or a diet it is essential to contact a specialist so that he can develop a diet that suits our needs and then combine it with physical activity and obtain satisfactory results.

Very often, however, we resort to “do it yourself” and most of the time we come across many mistakes.

Here are the 4 most common mistakes:

  1. Choose only light foods: they are not always healthy alternatives. Many of these products have fewer calories but the percentage of fat and sugar is still quite high. It is best to choose products that are as natural as possible: water, vegetables and fruit.
  2. Banish sugars and fats. The fats of animal and vegetable origin consumed in the right quantities are also indispensable in a slimming diet because they are a fundamental part of the cell membranes of all tissues, stimulate the cardiovascular system and the immune system. A low-fat diet leads the metabolism to use proteins as energy by depleting lean mass, such as muscles, so instead of losing weight, you get fat. Yes, therefore, to the fats of fish, olive oil and dried fruit and to the sugars of cereals and fruit.
  3. Staying hungry: wrong !!! A diet does not include feeling hungry, it does not mean reducing the consumption of calories to a minimum. It is very important to take into account the quality of the meals rather than the quantity.
  4. Get little sleep. Sleeping less than the hours necessary for our body can cause many health problems. Even the metabolism is affected: in fact, several studies associate weight gain with lack of sleep, which lowers the production of leptin which reduces appetite and raises that of ghrelin which stimulates it, so in the waking hours you will have more hunger and you will tend to eat more, so it will be more difficult to follow a low-calorie diet.

The best thing is to contact experienced nutrition professionals who take into account our habits, our goals and even the time available to us, they can accompany us on a path of re-education and food awareness, advising us how to combine suitable foods to lose weight, without regain it, maintaining energy and good mood.

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