Monthly Archives - March 2021

Thyroid hormones

Thyroid hormones control the speed with which the body's chemical processes, such as metabolism, take place and influence it. Like? By stimulating almost all the tissues of the body to produce proteins and increasing the amount of oxygen used by cells. These hormones also affect many vital body functions, such as heart rate, the speed at which calories are burned, skin integrity, growth, heat production, fertility and digestion. They are:  T4: thyroxine (also called tetraiodothyronine) - the main hormone produced by the...

Prostate: how to prevent problems

Prostate (exocrine gland) is a small rounded male organ, positioned just below the bladder and in front of the rectum and surrounds the upper stretch of the urethra. Its main function is to help produce sperm.  Because of its location and the functions in which it is involved, the prostate affects urination, erection and ejaculation. Just the alteration of these physiological processes trigger the suspicion of diseases on the gland. For the man, the prostate is one of the most frequent...


Resveratrol is a polyphenol naturally produced by various plants, which use it to protect themselves in stressful situations: injuries, infections by fungi or bacteria and exposure to ultraviolet rays. Resveratrol is fat soluble and often bound to glucose molecules to form glucosides. Several in vitro studies have shown that Resveratrol can have multiple beneficial properties: cardioprotective - protects vessels from plaque formation and the proliferation of smooth muscle tissue, stimulates the production of nitric oxide responsible for vasodilation processes and...