Fatty liver


Fatty liver

Fatty liver or hepatic steatosis is a condition linked to overweight and obesity, strongly influenced by a wrong diet and lifestyle.

This condition affects 70-80% of over-sized people and is caused by an alteration of the lipid metabolism that leads to an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver cells that is not disposed of adequately.

A fatty liver is a poorly functioning liver that is always under maximum strain and can lead to liver failure or cirrhosis if it persists.

The first good rule of prevention is the improvement or correction of lifestyle: that is, weight loss, a healthy and balanced diet that includes a reduction in refined carbohydrates, an increased intake of fiber, fruit and vegetables, a reduction in fat saturation, a renunciation of alcohol and smoking and adequate and regular physical activity.

The best thing, however, to be able to change your eating habits, is always to contact your doctor or possibly get advice from specialists in the sector (dieticians, nutritionists, etc.).


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