
Melatonin is a very important hormone since it regulates the circadian rhythm of the organism. Its secretion is regulated by light: when the light stimulus reaches the retina a signal is transmitted to the epiphysis where its secretion is inhibited. Darkness, on the contrary, stimulates its release. Melatonin plays a crucial role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle and is therefore essential for the physiology of sleep. By binding to its specific receptor, the hormone helps the body, reducing the...

California poppy

California poppy is a plant known for its sedative and hypnoinducent properties, useful against headaches, mood and sleep disorders, and high blood pressure.  The alkaloids contained in it act on the one hand at the level of the central nervous system, inducing sleep and exert anxiolytic and spasmolytic activity, on the other hand on heart activity, lowering its pressure. The action of the plant decreases the period of falling asleep and produces the maintenance of a good quality of...

Black cohosh

Black cohosh is a plant native to North America known and used hundreds of years ago by Native Americans, who used it as a remedy for various ailments, from gynecological problems (uterine colic, dysmenorrhea) to arthritis, to snake bites.  It is a plant with anti-inflammatory and rebalancing properties of the hormonal system, female, relieving the neurovegetative disorders of menopause, such as hot flashes, sweats, headaches, dizziness, heart palpitations, ringing ears, nervousness and irritability, sleep disturbances and depressive states. The...

Why choose the Resvenac supplement?

RESVENAC is a supplement based on N-Acetyl Cysteine and Reveratrol. N-Acetyl Cysteine is known above all for its remarkable antioxidant, mucolytic and depurative properties: in addition to the ability to regenerate Glutathione (antioxidant), it is effective to combat skin aging, is a cardioprotective and protects the liver. Resveratrol has a powerful antioxidant and cardioprotective action, also indicated for the treatment of hypertension, prevention of cardiovascular diseases, hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidemia. Resveratrol also: regenerates glutathione levels and increases the levels of...

Hericium erinaceus

Did you know that Hericium erinaceus is a fungus with multiple beneficial properties?  Among these are properties: Flame retardants; antioxidants; immunostimulants; antidiabetics; anti-fatigue; antihypertensive; hepatoprotective; neuroprotective; It is an edible fake used for its excellent properties for inflammatory and infectious diseases involving the digestive system. In fact, its action rebalances the intestinal bacterial flora by nourishing it, exhausting the healing mucous membranes and thus correcting situations of intestinal permeability. It can be taken for example during the season changes to increase the immune system or as an adjuvant in case...

Osteoarticular inflammation and trauma.

Inflammation and osteoarticular trauma accompanied by pain and stiffness, osteoarthritis, arthritis, chronic back pain, localized muscle tension states are widespread nowadays and contribute to damage the quality of life of those suffering from them. The cause of these disorders is often a progressive degeneration of cartilage and bones due to an imbalance between "wear and regeneration". In addition, an incorrect lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, inadequate nutrition, poor intake of functional nutrients do nothing but aggravate everything. Deterioration is sometimes accelerated by...

Why choose the Immunobiota supplement?

Immunobiota is a supplement based on Grapefruit seed extract, Pau d'Arco, Oregano, Uncaria and Pectin. Grapefruit seed extract naturally stimulates the immune system, has an antiviral and antibacterial function and has a high amount of antioxidants and phytonutrients called Bioflavonoids. Pau d'Arco and Oregano have important antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities, especially effective against hyperproliferation of Candida albicans. Oregano also promotes digestion by stimulating salivary and gastric secretions and helps in case of meteorism, facilitating the elimination of gases. Uncaria...

Why choose the Cholesterol care?

Cholesterol care is a supplement of Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid, with fermented red rice, L-Carnitine, Quercetin, Polycosanols (Octosanol) and Coenzyme Q10, indicated in cases of reduced intake with the diet or an increased need for such elements. L-Carnitine promotes the production of energy for the cell, conveying fatty acids to the sites designated for their metabolic use and, in association with a low-calorie diet, promotes slimming. Monacolin K from fermented red rice (Monascus purpureus) has an emollient and...

Why choose the supplement Candibiota?

Candibiota is a supplement containing Grapefruit seed extract, Beta glucans, Lactoferrin and Biotin, excellent for the natural rebalancing of the bacterial flora and useful in case of overproduction of Candida albicans. It is Bactericidal and natural antifungal. Order it now on

The Feverfew: an anti-migraine, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory plant.

The Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) in the ancient Greeks was a plant used to treat fever, asthma, gynecological problems, repel insects and treat bites and bites. In the 18th century the plant was known as "medieval aspirin". Its extracts are mainly useful in the prevention of headaches and in the treatment of menstrual pain. In fact, feverfew contains flavonoids, such as quercetin and luteolin,  which have spasmolytic action (calms muscle contractions from spasms) on the smooth muscles of the gastroenteric tract. Compounds...