Why choose the Immunobiota supplement?


Why choose the Immunobiota supplement?

Immunobiota is a supplement based on Grapefruit seed extract, Pau d’Arco, Oregano, Uncaria and Pectin.

Grapefruit seed extract naturally stimulates the immune system, has an antiviral and antibacterial function and has a high amount of antioxidants and phytonutrients called Bioflavonoids.

Pau d’Arco and Oregano have important antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities, especially effective against hyperproliferation of Candida albicans.

Oregano also promotes digestion by stimulating salivary and gastric secretions and helps in case of meteorism, facilitating the elimination of gases.

Uncaria has immunostimulating properties, thanks to the presence of alkaloids, which are indicated in the treatment of allergies, prevention of cooling diseases and to strengthen the overall immune defenses.

Pectin has gelling and emollient properties and is useful to regularize the intestinal tract, increasing the consistency of feces and facilitating intestinal transit.

Order Immunobiota now on our site. 

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