Why choose the Cholesterol care?


Why choose the Cholesterol care?

Cholesterol care is a supplement of Vitamin B6 and Folic Acid, with fermented red rice, L-Carnitine, Quercetin, Polycosanols (Octosanol) and Coenzyme Q10, indicated in cases of reduced intake with the diet or an increased need for such elements.

L-Carnitine promotes the production of energy for the cell, conveying fatty acids to the sites designated for their metabolic use and, in association with a low-calorie diet, promotes slimming.

Monacolin K from fermented red rice (Monascus purpureus) has an emollient and soothing action of the digestive system and contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels along with Coenzyme Q10.

Quercetin helps to reduce the formation of free radicals and pro-inflammatory substances. Polycosanols (Octosanol) have cholesterol-lowering properties.

Vitamin B6 contributes to normal energy metabolism.

Order it now on https://www.elisirlife.it/en/supplements/integratore-alimentare-cholesterol-care-100-cps.html

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