Monthly Archives - May 2020

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin present in nature in various versions: as Retinol (or retinoids) or in the form of carotenoids of vegetable origin (as precursors) that act as provitamins. Only a part of these can be transformed into vitamin A by the body in the intestine and liver. Vitamin A is essential for the mechanism of vision, for the growth and differentiation of cells and for the immune system. A lack of it can cause a wide...


Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is a herbaceous perennial plant with many medicinal properties contained on the flowering tops. Flowers contain an essential oil made up of various aromatic substances (terpinene, thymol, carvacrol) which develop a strong and unmistakable smell. Oregano is used to promote digestion, stimulating salivary and gastric secretions, for its aperitif properties, as they help in case of meteorism and facilitate the expulsion of gases from the intestine, for the tonic properties of the nervous system. It is...