Vitamin B12


Vitamin B12

The term Vitamin B12 indicates a group of chemically related organic substances, cobalt content (known for this as Cobalamine).

The main forms are: Cyanocobalamin, Methylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin and deoxydenosylcobalamin.

Cyanocobalamin is the most common and most used by Nutraceuticals, as it is scarcely present in the body.

It is fundamental for the synthesis of red blood cells by the bone marrow, contributes to the regular functioning of the metabolism, has positive effects on the health of the brain and nervous system, promoting the growth and development of cells.

It is also used in the treatment of pernicious anemia and can be used in adjuvant therapies in polyneuropathies.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is manifested by the symptoms of anemia: a sense of general fatigue, glossitis, bleeding gums; also depression and headache can be among the effects of an insufficient intake of vitamin B12.

In some cases of prolonged hypovitaminosis damage to the nervous system even irreversible.

Vitamin B12 is present in food supplement POWER ANTIAGING VITAMIN PLUS (

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