Milk thistle


Milk thistle

Milk thistle is a herbaceous plant traditionally associated with the well-being of the liver and gallbladder (and biliary tract in general).

Thanks to the anti-hepatotoxic properties known since ancient times, the milk thistle is used in case of organic and functional suffering of the liver due to pathologies such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and steatosis (anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties).

It also has cholagogue properties, which promotes the excretion of bile, helps preserve the gallbladder from certain ailments, and also has diuretic abilities.

Other uses of this plant include reducing cholesterol levels and blood sugar associated with berberine.

Silymarin, an active substance contained in the seeds and fruit of milk thistle, has a remarkable antioxidant and hepatoprotectrix action. 

Milk thistle dry extract is contained in the supplement  BERBERINA COMPLEX PLUS

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