


Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) is a small shrub that grows in the shade of the woods and is a real panacea for health: its berries are rich in nutritional properties and a true ally of well-being.

Blueberries are a source of valuable compounds including vitamins (A, D and E), folic acid, minerals (e.g., phosphorus, potassium and magnesium) and organic acids.

They are an important source of polyphenols, bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, including anthocyanins. Blueberries contain five different types of anthocyanidins that have strong antioxidant properties and are often indicated as responsible for the biological activity of blueberries and their potential benefits for human health. 

Blueberry improves night vision and visual fatigue, promotes the regeneration of retinal tissues and is also useful in case of vascular disorders of the eye. Anthocyanins, in addition to the properties already described, bring benefits to the retina thanks to rhodopsin, a protein that improves the ability to see in low light conditions and improves its adaptation to darkness.

The antioxidant elements present in blueberry also have an effect on the metabolism of cells, reaching the point of altering abdominal fat; it seems, in fact, that they activate fat burning genes in abdominal fat cells, triggering a real fight against weight.

These fruits are also excellent for their anti-inflammatory, diuretic and urinary tract disinfectant properties. T

hanks to the water and mineral content, blueberries promote diuresis and counteract water retention. They also prevent urinary infections such as cystitis and urethritis, both by stimulating diuresis and by preventing the adhesion of bacteria to the wall of the urinary tract.

The dry extract of Blueberry is contained in the supplement BERBERINE COMPLEX PLUS .

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