Garcinia cambogia


Garcinia cambogia

The garcinia cambogia is a subtropical plant used in supplements for the control or weight loss or as an adjuvant for the elimination of cellulite.

It’s known for its slimming properties. The rind of the fruit contains vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids, polysaccharides, pectins and hydroxycitric acid.

The high content of the latter is attributed to the slimming activity property: it stimulates the slimming action through the inhibition of a particular enzyme called “adenosine triphosphate citrate lyase” which works at the liver level to promote the synthesis of fatty acids, triglycerides and cholesterol.

Specifically, it blocks the formation of acetyl-coa, which is responsible for the accumulation of body fat. 

Its intake therefore allows to reduce the production of cholesterol and triglycerides (up to 27%) from sugars, due to its hypocholesterolemizzante activity.

The organism, having available a large amount of energy deriving from the complete demolition of fats, through the cycle of citric acid, does not feel the need to ingest other food and hence the decrease of the sense of hunger. 

It is contained in our food supplement FASTSHOOT METABOLISM ( )

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