


Tyrosine is a very important amino acid for the human body; its contribution is not essential but can become so in conditions of phenylalanine deficiency (it can in fact be synthesized starting from phenylalanine).

Since the latter is an essential amino acid, tyrosine is included in the category of semi-essential amino acids.

Tyrosine also: 

  • it is the starting amino acid for the synthesis of important neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline: two very important substances for the adaptation process to intense and sudden psychophysical stress and for this reason adaptogenic properties are ascribed to Tyrosine, useful for improving the body’s response to stress of various kinds.
  • It is also necessary for the synthesis of melanin, the skin pigment responsible for tanning and skin color, but also for that of the eyes and hair.
  • It also participates in the synthesis of various hormones, such as thyroid ones, as well as intervening in protein synthesis and thus re-entering most of the body’s protein structures.
  • It also acts as a precursor of thyroxine, a hormone that accelerates the body’s metabolism, regulating the sense of satiety. As a result, benefits could also be obtained for weight loss.

In most cases, L-tyrosine deficiencies prove to be quite rare. Among the causes are above all a protein deficiency due to an unregulated diet. Low Tyrosine values ​​can be caused by some pathologies such as hypothyroidism, low body temperature, but also hypotension.

Tyrosine is contained in the THYROID METABOLISM PRO food supplement (https://www.elisirlife.it/en/integratore-alimentare-thyroid-metabolism-pro-30-bustine.html?___store=en&___from_store=it )

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