

Dioscorea is the women’s friendly plant: it helps relieve the symptoms of menopause but also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, depurative and slimming properties.

Diosgenin, contained in dioscorea, is a substance similar to progesterone.

This kind of natural hormone is useful to accompany some delicate phases of women’s life, such as those who have passed childbearing age, as an alternative to the usual hormonal treatments.

The plant, in addition to having positive effects on hormone production promotes the activation of metabolism and is considered a good support against weight gain (especially due to the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area) typical of menopause, osteoporosis, hot flashes, swelling, palpitations, sleep disturbances.

Dioscorea is present in the MENOPAUSA COMPLEX supplement  (   )

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