

Candida is a fungus belonging to the saccharomycetes family (Candida albicans) which in normal conditions behaves as a saprophyte, colonizes the mucous membranes of the organism and lives in balance with other microorganisms, such as lactobacilli.

However, in certain situations of alteration of the intestinal micro-environment, it can transform from saprophyte to pathogen, replicating excessively and causing real infections (candidiasis), due to multiple factors such as prolonged antibiotic therapies, inadequate use intimate cleansers, stressful situations or metabolic changes (diabetes mellitus).

Candida can vary from local mucosal infections to generalized (systemic) and invasive infections, extremely serious in people with weak immune defenses (immunocompromised).

As a prevention, a healthy lifestyle is appropriate, limiting smoking and alcoholic beverages and reducing the occasions of psycho-physical stress that negatively affect the body’s defense system (immune system).

Essential is the care of nutrition avoiding especially refined carbohydrates, since their intake can promote the uncontrolled growth of the yeast in question.

It is good practice to consult a specialist who can indicate the most suitable therapy, perhaps with the help of natural supplements based on grapefruit seeds.

We at Elisir life offer you our CANDIBIOTA product (

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