

Migraine is the most common form of headache which results in sharp or throbbing pain that usually starts at the front or on one side of the head.

The attack can extend to the front region, involving the forehead and temples.

It can last a few hours or even days, with symptoms varying from subject to subject, which can in many cases be unbearable: throbbing pain, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sounds.

Affected people often have to resort to complete rest in a quiet, isolated and dark environment.

The causes have not yet been fully understood, also because each form of migraine is different from the others.

However, it is believed that many factors play a determining role: genetic predisposition, external factors, systemic pathologies, hormonal factors.

There is also a correlation between migraine and the consumption of certain foods or drinks, and there is certainly a link also with stress and sleep disturbances.

To combat and mitigate this problem we propose the intake of dry extract of feverfew, present in our food supplement NOPAIN PLUS (https://www.elisirlife.it/it/integratore-alimentare-nopain-plus-100-cps.html )

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