L-Acetyl Carnitine

L-Acetyl Carnitine

L-Acetyl Carnitine is an acetylated form of L-Carnitine, a quaternary ammonium derived from two amino acids, lysine and methionine.

It is highly appreciated for its antioxidant activity and for its good tolerability, it is used as an antioxidant in cardiology, neurology and antiaging. 

In addition to the role of mitochondrial fatty acid transporter is useful in:

–  Support the synthesis of important neurotransmitters such as Acetylcholine, whose metabolism is seriously compromised in numerous neuro-psychiatric pathologies;

– Control the normal cellular turn-over, and in particular apoptosis, of nerve cells, protecting them, moreover, from the damaging action of reactive oxygen species;

– Reduce the formation of advanced glycosylation products, known above all for their aging and atheromatous properties;

– Preserve the correct mitochondrial function in particularly valuable cells such as myocardiocytes and spermatozoa.

L-Acetyl Carnitine is contained in the food supplement ALC B CAR (https://www.elisirlife.it/en/integratore-alimentare-alc-b-car-50-cps.html)

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