


L-carnitine is an amino acid derivative synthesized from two amino acids (lysine and methionine), in the presence of niacin, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C and Iron.

It is important because it acts as a carrier of long-chain fatty acids in mitochondria, where they are converted into energy through the Beta-oxidation process.

Carnitine has an indirect antioxidant action, especially against high metabolism cells (such as heart and muscle cells), ensures a reduction in triglyceride concentrations in the blood and an increase in HDL cholesterol, helps to prevent muscle tenderness and fatigue in the long term, because during intense training, lactic acid is formed, which attacks the cell walls of mitochondria and muscle fibers, resulting in reduced performance and slowed regeneration.

It also acts as a “buffer” system of the organism and is able to neutralize lactic acid, which has less negative effects.

It is contained in food supplements ALC B CAR ( https://www.elisirlife.it/en/integratore-alimentare-alc-b-car-50-cps.html) e CHOLESTEROL CARE (https://www.elisirlife.it/en/integratore-alimentare-cholesterol-care-100-cps.html)

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