Antioxidants in September


Antioxidants in September

Did you know that September is a great month to eat seasonal fruit from the remarkable properties?

Blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, pears, melons, peaches, prickly pears, figs, plums and sorbs. These fruits are rich in antioxidants, molecules able to intervene favorably in the detoxification processes, activating biological systems of shelter and to prevent the action of free radicals, responsible for cellular aging and the basis of numerous pathologies.

For example, berries are particularly rich in vitamin C , carotenoids, some B vitamins, fiber, water, mineral salts, phenolic substances. The grapes provide immediately available sugars and contains linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid belonging to the omega-6 series that stimulates intestinal motility, has diuretic and detoxifying properties.

Black grapes, on the other hand, are rich in resveratrol, to which are attributed numerous anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal activities.  

Figs are rich in calcium and vitamin A and are useful against anemia and as a digestive and anti-inflammatory. 

In short, as a whole, rich in water, mineral salts and vitamins, the fruits of September are precious allies of the organism after the summer break.

Mother nature offers us fresh and tasty strategies to cleanse us of the excesses of summer and strengthen the immune system in view of winter.

Just some shrewdness, common sense and one rule: eat seasonal fruit to keep intact the nutritional virtues!

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