

Guaranà (Paullinia cupana) is an evergreen climbing plant, the seeds of which are rich in guaranine, an active ingredient very similar to caffeine.

This component promotes the release of two hormones, adrenaline and noradrenaline (catecholamines), thanks to its antagonistic action against adenosine receptors.

Catecholamines cause acceleration of body metabolism, heart rate, blood pressure and the number of respiratory acts.

It is rich in methylxanthines, which act on both the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, exerting an exciting action on them.

Indirect slimming properties are also attributed to these substances, through the promotion of lipolysis, and direct, through the release of fatty acids from their deposits towards the bloodstream.

Guarana is recommended as a stimulant in case of psychophysical fatigue, depression, asthenia and convalescence.

In sports it is used to improve resistance to physical effort.

It is present in the food supplement FASTSHOOT METABOLISM (

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