Sense of hunger


Sense of hunger

Feeling constantly hungry is a common problem.  

The sense of hunger is activated thanks to specific sensors present in our digestive system and in the brain (hypothalamus), which detect when you are running out of glucose, to let you know that you should look for… nourishment.

Our body then receives the signal that it is time to balance the energy balance. It is an innate bodily function that protects us from dietary deficiencies and malnutrition.

The center of hunger and satiety interact with each other in order to regulate the intake of the right energy intake of a person, namely calories.

However, sometimes the feeling of hunger can be altered so much to induce the person to eat even if he does not need it from a physiological point of view (attacks of hunger or nervous hunger): this, in fact, is the main cause of an incorrect eating style and consequently can lead to future problems of obesity and cardiovascular.

The nervous hunger pushes the person to eat uncontrollably, passing from one food to another, in an attempt to fill a psychological void that takes the form of an attack of hunger.

Elisir life has developed a supplement for the control of hunger, weight and for better metabolic optimization: FASTSHOOT METABOLISM.

Some of its specific natural ingredients have the task of blocking the appetite and increasing the sense of satiety, so as to reduce the binges between a meal and the other.

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