Man’s performance


Man’s performance

Optimizing male performance with adaptogen natural substances is possible. But what substances are active and have complete scientific support? Let’s see some of them:

  • Serenoa repens. Known for its balancing action on the hormonal system, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antihemigenic. Used in the treatment of prostate disorders and alopecia (androgynous baldness), which affect most men.
  • Urtica dioica. Remineralizing plant, tonic, astringent and toning.
  • Pfaffia paniculata (Suma). Adaptogenic plant that reduces the sense of fatigue and increases performance in athletes.
  • Maca. Plant useful as a tonic-adaptogen in case of physical and mental fatigue. It is a very useful energizer for concentration and mental clarity, also effective for increasing male fertility and the most difficult humoral conditions such as anxiety states or depressive symptoms.
  • Tribulus terrestris. Plant well known for problems related to impotence and cardiovascular disease. The most important property is linked to its stimulating action on the production of androgen hormones: these regulate libido, sexual characteristics and muscle development. Tribulus seeds are rich in protodioscin, a steroidal saponin that acts on the endogenous production of testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), resulting in increased spermatogenesis and libido.
  • Rhodiola rosea. It is the adaptogenic plant par excellence as it attenuates the response of the organism to stressful events, increases psycho-physical resistance and gives greater mental alertness. Its constant intake brings cardioprotective effects during situations of tachycardia and palpitations due to anxiety and nervousness and increases the levels of Serotonin, a hormone that can remove the desire for carbohydrates given by nervous hunger.

These substances are contained in some of our Supplements: Anabolic antiaging, Andro energizer, High men.

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